
Converse is embarking upon on a three-year strategic plan (2023-2026). The development of the plan officially kicked off in Spring 2022 upon President Boone Hopkins’ official appointment as the 12th president of 大学交流. 在他的指导下, 成立策略远景规划委员会, 由全体学生代表组成, 教师, 工作人员, 和管理. Sharing the president’s commitment to ensuring the process and plan were inclusive with broad participation and representation of voices across campus, the Planning Committee reviewed and solicited campus data including surveys and resource tools across campus, 对现有环境的反思, 然后开始设想和设定目标. The Converse Board of Trustees approved the framework for the Strategic Vision Plan, which includes four foundational priorities and three areas of focus, 2022年9月.



The foundation for the 2023-2026 Strategic Vision Plan is comprised of four priorities which serve as the unifying ideologies across the plan’s development and implementation. 无论是独立的还是集体的, each priority embodies the aspirational culture that Converse strives to obtain and our promise to the community we serve.

  • 始终坚持以学生为中心
  • 建立金融韧性
  • 促进健康 & 幸福
  • 致力于包容性卓越

为了实现这些理想的目标, Converse must excel in three equal and interconnected pillars, 我们的三个重点领域:

  • 丰富我们的课程,
  • 赋予我们的人民权力,以及
  • 改善我们的地方.

Each of these three areas organizes a set of goals and corresponding objectives that will guide 大学交流’s efforts for the next few years.


The development and approval of the Strategic Vision Plan framework is the beginning of the process which will involve continuous feedback, 咨询, 以及校园和社区利益相关者的投入.

Originating from the objectives within each of the three areas of focus will be individual plans and initiatives that departments and operating units will be empowered to develop and implement in alignment with this Strategic Plan. 2022年秋季, the Strategic Vision Planning Committee will develop the three-year operating plan and forecast and will establish evaluation and performance measures.

随着运营计划和预测的确定, the Converse campus community can expect changes to help prepare the campus for first-year initiatives. 更新将在可用时在本页上共享.